Sales 3/24 - 3/29 at Petunia Pickle Bottom Outlet
Few times a year, Petunia Pickle Bottom hosts their favorites outlet sale. Every single one of this sale's profits' proceed go toward a cause. Just few months ago, they wanted to raise money for Haiti and therefore, a surprise outlet sale. Every Spring, the outlet sale benefits the March of Dimes, a charible organization that helps families with premature babies.
Sale items include past seasons as well as discontinued patterns.
There are two categories at the outlet sale:
* Discontinued Classic - These are perfect Petunia products no longer offered in stores. At the end of each season, Petunia is left with a handful of stock that we no longer offer in our stores. Even these products are from seasons past, we still stand behind their quality and style.
*Certified Second - A certified second is a product that has one or more issues that restrict us from selling them as new or perfect. However, all of our certifed seconds do have minor flaws.
So, what did you score at the outlet sale?
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